La Marilyn
La Marilyn
Turquoise rondelles and cowrie shells
I started f.b.c.reations circa 2006, when life was good and on Sundays we’d watch Sex and the City, I was in my 40s era when I used to club hop in Miami Beach, I was skinny and my uniform was minidresses and heels, and my accessories the silver Razr and these statement necklaces I would make for myself. Friends started asking me to make one for them and it became a teeny tiny business run on my dining table at night or on my day off, with the help of my daughter who would play around with charms and beads and make the kids’ version. Friends started asking me to make one for them and it became a teeny tiny business run on my dining table at night or on my day off, with the help of my daughter who would play around with charms and beads and make the kids’ version. Unexpectedly, I would find it soothing to manipulate semiprecious stones and ribbons.
Turquoise rondelles and cowrie shells