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The Style File


'I don't have anything to wear for the party' followed by, in order, 

  • panic spurts,
  • convulse trip to a random mall,
  • buy whatever the salesperson decided to sell,
  • wear it with a mixed snear of 'what was I thinking' and 'I would have never said this would look good on me',
  • return it the following day.


'Are platforms a toss or a keep' or

'I want to learn how to pack lightly' or

'I really love ____ (FILL IN THE BLANK), but no idea how to pull it off '


THE STYLE FILE  has the answers that will get you A+ in style and you'll never have to return anything again. 

Be boldconfident and considerate and you'll never hurt anyone by wearing sequins at lunch. [THE STYLE FILE


Just don't take yourself too seriously and be sure that: 

You can never be overdressed, or overeducated - Oscar Wilde

It's a Fashion Life

Fashion has a life on its own, with seasons that are concentrated, intense and, to top it off, go way against nature's clock. 

January and February we wear the collections that we have seen a year before and watch the runways of the winter we will wear in the year to come. Something that can make dislessic anyone who is not into it.

  • Do you watch the runway shows in streamline, if, like me, you live in remote corners of the world that are not a Fashion capital? 

  • Do you pin entire collections thinking that, no seriously, I will wear everything?
  • You don't know where to start, you'd like to know more not to be left out at brunch when your girlfriends talk about Anna, Cara and Stella?

It's a Fashion Life 

will refine your palate, make you feel like you are living that life, spot the trends instead of following them and get you unapologetic reviews whether you are a rookie or a pro.

A new dress doesn't get you anywhere; it's the life you're living in the dress, and the sort of life you had lived before, and what will you do with it later - D. Vreeland

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